A Review of Pixar
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Cars 2 (2011)
Yep, after a string of excellent films, Pixar decided to release their weakest film to date, and arguably the only one so far not worth watching. While it could definitely be said that the animation still continues to shine, where it really fails is the story. While the world created here worked well for the first film, here it doesn't really work here because it only raises more questions rather than answer the questions brought up in the first film. The story is also very complicated, not just for a kid's film, but just as a film. What works? Like I said, the animation, the voice work is fine, and some of the comedy does work. Does that make it worth watching? Not necessarily, but I will say if you do decide to watch it, you won't completely regret it.
garfield2710's rating:

A list of all the Pixar films and reviews for each of them. Feel free to state your opinion in the comments below.