2018 Academy Award Wishlist
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The Lego Batman Movie (2017)
Best Animated Feature
We'll see if the Academy can somewhat atone for their sins by not nominating "The Lego Movie" in the first place.
We'll see if the Academy can somewhat atone for their sins by not nominating "The Lego Movie" in the first place.
garfield2710's rating:

Logan (2017)
Best Picture
Best Actor for Hugh Jackman
Best Supporting Actor for Patrick Stewart
Best Supporting Actress for Daphne Keen
Best Original Screenplay
Given the Academy's tendency to avoid nominating superhero or even big budget films, even when given universal acclaim (read: The Dark Knight) it would be nice to see such a great film receive at least some recognition. I'm not expecting it to be nominated for everything, but at least one of the above would be a nice surprise.
Best Actor for Hugh Jackman
Best Supporting Actor for Patrick Stewart
Best Supporting Actress for Daphne Keen
Best Original Screenplay
Given the Academy's tendency to avoid nominating superhero or even big budget films, even when given universal acclaim (read: The Dark Knight) it would be nice to see such a great film receive at least some recognition. I'm not expecting it to be nominated for everything, but at least one of the above would be a nice surprise.
garfield2710's rating:

Best Actor for James McAvoy
There are a lot of things that can be said about this film, but the one thing that almost everyone agrees on, is that James McAvoy's performance (or let's be honest here, performances) is truly a thing of beauty. He plays the part of each individual personality incredibly well. It never feels like it's the same person playing different parts, but actually different people, which is insanely hard to pull off, especially when he has to jump back and forth within the same scene at one point. Given this film was released all the way back in January, and is a horror film, doesn't give me much hope, but that would be a shame, because this was truly great to watch.
There are a lot of things that can be said about this film, but the one thing that almost everyone agrees on, is that James McAvoy's performance (or let's be honest here, performances) is truly a thing of beauty. He plays the part of each individual personality incredibly well. It never feels like it's the same person playing different parts, but actually different people, which is insanely hard to pull off, especially when he has to jump back and forth within the same scene at one point. Given this film was released all the way back in January, and is a horror film, doesn't give me much hope, but that would be a shame, because this was truly great to watch.
garfield2710's rating:

Here is a list of what I feel should make an Academy Award nomination, but may have a harder time getting in.