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Showing 1-50 of 100
List Type:
Quest for Fire (1981)
Period: 300'000 years ago
Event: The control of fire by early humans
Historical Figure: -
Event: The control of fire by early humans
Historical Figure: -
Land of the Pharaohs (1955)
Period: 2560 B.C.
Event: Building of the Pharaoh's Great Pyramid of Giza
Historical Figure: Pharaoh Cheops
Event: Building of the Pharaoh's Great Pyramid of Giza
Historical Figure: Pharaoh Cheops
coroner's rating:

Period: 1275 B.C.
Event: The Exodus
Historical Figure: Moses
Event: The Exodus
Historical Figure: Moses
coroner's rating:

Helen of Troy (1956)
Period: 1275-1240 B.C.
Event: Troy War
Historical Figure: Atreus, Menelaus, Agamemnon, Helen, Achilles, Priam, Paris
Event: Troy War
Historical Figure: Atreus, Menelaus, Agamemnon, Helen, Achilles, Priam, Paris
coroner's rating:

Intolerance (1916)
First story:
Period: 539 B.C.
Event: Fall of Babylon
Historical Figure: Belshazzar, Nabonidus, Cyrus
Period: 539 B.C.
Event: Fall of Babylon
Historical Figure: Belshazzar, Nabonidus, Cyrus
coroner's rating:

Period: 480 B.C.
Event: Battle of Thermopylae
Historical Figure: King Leonidas, Xerxes I
Event: Battle of Thermopylae
Historical Figure: King Leonidas, Xerxes I
coroner's rating:

Alexander (2004)
Period: 356-323 B.C.
Event: Fall of the Achaemenid Persian Empire, Invasion of India
Historical Figure: Alexander, Philip
Event: Fall of the Achaemenid Persian Empire, Invasion of India
Historical Figure: Alexander, Philip
coroner's rating:

The Emperor and the Assassin (1998)
Period: 221 B.C.
Event: Unification of China
Historical Figure: Ying Zheng
Event: Unification of China
Historical Figure: Ying Zheng
coroner's rating:

Cabiria (1914)
Period: 216-201 B.C.
Event: Second Punic War
Historical Figure: Hannibal, Scipio Africanus, Archimedes
Event: Second Punic War
Historical Figure: Hannibal, Scipio Africanus, Archimedes
Spartacus (1960)
Period: 73-71 B.C.
Event: Gladiatorial War
Historical Figure: Spartacus, Crassus
Event: Gladiatorial War
Historical Figure: Spartacus, Crassus
coroner's rating:

Cleopatra (1963)
Period: 43-27 B.C.
Event: Africa made a Roman Province, Second Triumvirate, Battle of Actium
Historical Figure: Cleopatra, Marc Anthony, Julius Caesar, Octavian
Event: Africa made a Roman Province, Second Triumvirate, Battle of Actium
Historical Figure: Cleopatra, Marc Anthony, Julius Caesar, Octavian
coroner's rating:

King of Kings (1961)
Period: 0-33
Event: Foundation of Christianity
Historical Figure: Jesus Christ, Pontius Pilate, Herod Antipas
Event: Foundation of Christianity
Historical Figure: Jesus Christ, Pontius Pilate, Herod Antipas
coroner's rating:

Quo Vadis (1951)
Period: 54-68
Event: Persecution of the Christians, Great Fire of Rome
Historical Figure: Nero
Event: Persecution of the Christians, Great Fire of Rome
Historical Figure: Nero
coroner's rating:

The Fall of the Roman Empire (1964)
Period: 180-192
Event: Conspiracies and Decline of the Roman Empire
Historical Figure: Commodus
Event: Conspiracies and Decline of the Roman Empire
Historical Figure: Commodus
coroner's rating:

The Last Roman (1968)
Period: 526-548
Event: Ostrogothic Kingdom
Historical Figure: Belisarius, Justinian, Athalaric
Event: Ostrogothic Kingdom
Historical Figure: Belisarius, Justinian, Athalaric
Period: 570-633
Event: Conquest of Arabia, Foundation of the Islamic Faith
Historical Figure: Muhammad
Event: Conquest of Arabia, Foundation of the Islamic Faith
Historical Figure: Muhammad
coroner's rating:

Period: around 835-865
Event: Viking Age, Invasion of England
Historical Figure: Ragnar, Aelle
Event: Viking Age, Invasion of England
Historical Figure: Ragnar, Aelle
coroner's rating:

Kings of the Sun (1963)
Period: around 987
Event: Mayans Pursued by Toltec Invaders
Historical Figure: -
Event: Mayans Pursued by Toltec Invaders
Historical Figure: -
coroner's rating:

El Cid (1961)
Period: 1094
Event: Moors Invasion of Spain
Historical Figure: El Cid, King Ferdinand
Event: Moors Invasion of Spain
Historical Figure: El Cid, King Ferdinand
coroner's rating:

The Lion in Winter (1968)
Period: 1154-1189
Event: Reign of Henry II
Historical Figure: Henry II
Event: Reign of Henry II
Historical Figure: Henry II
coroner's rating:

Kingdom of Heaven (2005)
Period: 1178-1187
Event: The Third Crusade, Siege of Jerusalem
Historical Figure: Saladin
Event: The Third Crusade, Siege of Jerusalem
Historical Figure: Saladin
coroner's rating:

Mongol (2007)
Period: 1192-1206
Event: Rise of the Mongol Empire
Historical Figure: Genghis Khan
Event: Rise of the Mongol Empire
Historical Figure: Genghis Khan
coroner's rating:

Alexander Nevsky (1938)
Period: 1242
Event: Battle of the Ice
Historical Figure: Alexander Nevsky
Event: Battle of the Ice
Historical Figure: Alexander Nevsky
coroner's rating:

Braveheart (1995)
Period: 1291-1305
Event: Wars of Scottish Independence
Historical Figure: William Wallace, Edward I
Event: Wars of Scottish Independence
Historical Figure: William Wallace, Edward I
coroner's rating:

Henry V (1944)
Period: 1413-1422
Event: Battle of Agincourt
Historical Figure: Henry V
Event: Battle of Agincourt
Historical Figure: Henry V
coroner's rating:

Period: 1429-1431
Event: Hundred Years' War, Siege of Orleans
Historical Figure: Joan of Arc, Charles VII, Henry VI
Event: Hundred Years' War, Siege of Orleans
Historical Figure: Joan of Arc, Charles VII, Henry VI
coroner's rating:

1492: Conquest of Paradise (1992)
Period: 1491-1502
Event: The Discovery of the New World
Historical Figure: Columbus, Queen Isabella
Event: The Discovery of the New World
Historical Figure: Columbus, Queen Isabella
coroner's rating:

Flesh & Blood (1985)
Period: 1501
Event: Story of Landsknechts
Historical Figure: -
Event: Story of Landsknechts
Historical Figure: -
coroner's rating:

Luther (2003)
Period: 1505-1530
Event: Protestant Reformation
Historical Figure: Martin Luther, Pope Leo X, Emperor Charles V, Frederick the Wise, Johann Tetzel
Event: Protestant Reformation
Historical Figure: Martin Luther, Pope Leo X, Emperor Charles V, Frederick the Wise, Johann Tetzel
Anne of the Thousand Days (1969)
Period: 1533-1537
Event: Separation from Rome
Historical Figure: Henry VIII, Catherine of Aragon, Anne Boleyn
Event: Separation from Rome
Historical Figure: Henry VIII, Catherine of Aragon, Anne Boleyn
coroner's rating:

Aguirre: The Wrath of God (1972)
Period: 1536-1561
Event: The Conquest of the Americas by Spain, Search for El Dorado
Historical Figure: Lope de Aguirre, Gonzalo Pizarro, Brother Gaspar de Carvajal
Event: The Conquest of the Americas by Spain, Search for El Dorado
Historical Figure: Lope de Aguirre, Gonzalo Pizarro, Brother Gaspar de Carvajal
coroner's rating:

Mary of Scotland (1936)
Period: 1542-1587
Event: Religious Divide, Battle of Langside
Historical Figure: Mary Stuart Queen of Scots, Queen Elizabeth I
Event: Religious Divide, Battle of Langside
Historical Figure: Mary Stuart Queen of Scots, Queen Elizabeth I
coroner's rating:

Ivan the Terrible, Part 1 (1944)
Period: 1547-1562
Event: The Great Fire of Moscow, Conquest of Kazan
Historical Figure: Tsar Ivan IV Vasilyevich
Event: The Great Fire of Moscow, Conquest of Kazan
Historical Figure: Tsar Ivan IV Vasilyevich
coroner's rating:

Elizabeth (1998)
Period: 1558-1559
Event: Revolt of the Northern Earls, Act of Supremacy
Historical Figure: Queen Elizabeth I, Mary of Guise
Event: Revolt of the Northern Earls, Act of Supremacy
Historical Figure: Queen Elizabeth I, Mary of Guise
coroner's rating:

Period: 1563
Event: Persecution of the Boyars
Historical Figure: Tsar Ivan IV Vasilyevich
Event: Persecution of the Boyars
Historical Figure: Tsar Ivan IV Vasilyevich
coroner's rating:

Queen Margot (1994)
Period: 1572-1574
Event: The Massacre of St. Bartholomew
Historical Figure: Marguerite de Valois, Henri de Navarre, Charles IX, Caterina de' Medici
Event: The Massacre of St. Bartholomew
Historical Figure: Marguerite de Valois, Henri de Navarre, Charles IX, Caterina de' Medici
Period: around 1575
Event: Sengoku Period, Battle of Nagashino
Historical Figure: Lord Takeda Shingen, Tokughawa Ieyasu, Oda Nobunaga
Event: Sengoku Period, Battle of Nagashino
Historical Figure: Lord Takeda Shingen, Tokughawa Ieyasu, Oda Nobunaga
coroner's rating:

Elizabeth: The Golden Age (2007)
Period: 1585-1599
Event: Anglo–Spanish War
Historical Figure: Queen Elizabeth I, King Philip ll of Spain, Mary Stuart
Event: Anglo–Spanish War
Historical Figure: Queen Elizabeth I, King Philip ll of Spain, Mary Stuart
Cromwell (1970)
Period: 1640-1653
Event: English Civil Wars, Establishment of the Commonwealth, Irish Campaign
Historical Figure: Oliver Cromwell, King Charles I
Event: English Civil Wars, Establishment of the Commonwealth, Irish Campaign
Historical Figure: Oliver Cromwell, King Charles I
Period: 1719
Event: Cellamare Conspiracy, War of the Quadruple Alliance
Historical Figure: Philippe II, Duke of Orléans
Event: Cellamare Conspiracy, War of the Quadruple Alliance
Historical Figure: Philippe II, Duke of Orléans
The Last of the Mohicans (1992)
Period: 1757
Event: French and Indian War, Battle of Fort William Henry
Historical Figure: Col. Munro
Event: French and Indian War, Battle of Fort William Henry
Historical Figure: Col. Munro
coroner's rating:

Revolution (1985)
Period: 1777-1781
Event: American Revolutionary War, Battle of Yorktown
Historical Figure: George Washington
Event: American Revolutionary War, Battle of Yorktown
Historical Figure: George Washington
coroner's rating:

La Marseillaise (1938)
Period: 1789-1792
Event: French Revolution, Storming of the Bastille, Battle of Valmy
Historical Figure: Louis XVI, Marie-Antoinette, La Rochefoucauld
Event: French Revolution, Storming of the Bastille, Battle of Valmy
Historical Figure: Louis XVI, Marie-Antoinette, La Rochefoucauld
Danton (1983)
Period: 1793-1794
Event: French Revolution, Reign of Terror
Historical Figure: Danton, Robespierre
Event: French Revolution, Reign of Terror
Historical Figure: Danton, Robespierre
Napoleon (1927)
Period: 1792-1796
Event: Reign of Terror, First Italian Campaign
Historical Figure: Napoleon Bonaparte, Robespierre, Marat, Danton, Saint-Just
Event: Reign of Terror, First Italian Campaign
Historical Figure: Napoleon Bonaparte, Robespierre, Marat, Danton, Saint-Just
coroner's rating:

War and Peace (1965)
Period: 1812
Event: Invasion of Russia, Battle of Borodino
Historical Figure: Napoleon Bonaparte, General Mikhail Kutuzov, Czar Alexander I
Event: Invasion of Russia, Battle of Borodino
Historical Figure: Napoleon Bonaparte, General Mikhail Kutuzov, Czar Alexander I
Period: 1812
Event: Battle of New Orleans
Historical Figure: Jean Lafitte, General Andrew Jackson
Event: Battle of New Orleans
Historical Figure: Jean Lafitte, General Andrew Jackson
coroner's rating:

The Alamo (1960)
Period: 1836
Event: Texas Revolution, The Battle of Alamo
Historical Figure: Antonio López de Santa Anna, Davy Crockett
Event: Texas Revolution, The Battle of Alamo
Historical Figure: Antonio López de Santa Anna, Davy Crockett
coroner's rating:

Amistad (1997)
Period: 1839-1842
Event: Abolitionism in the USA
Historical Figure: John Quincy Adams, Queen Isabella II, Secretary of State John Forsyth
Event: Abolitionism in the USA
Historical Figure: John Quincy Adams, Queen Isabella II, Secretary of State John Forsyth
coroner's rating:

Period: 1853-1856
Event: Crimean War
Historical Figure: Earl of Cardigan, Lord Raglan
Event: Crimean War
Historical Figure: Earl of Cardigan, Lord Raglan
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100 movies not historically accurate, but certainly entertaining (sometimes also instructive and informative) :), listed by chronological order of the events.
Period: time period covered by the movie
Historical Figure: portrayed by an actor (or in archive footage)
100 movies not historically accurate, but certainly entertaining (sometimes also instructive and informative) :), listed by chronological order of the events.
Period: time period covered by the movie
Historical Figure: portrayed by an actor (or in archive footage)
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