10 most romantic movies
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Almost girl-porn, amazing guy desperately chasing indifferent girl. But it's a true story so it's extra remarkable. She's only indifferent because of that pesky amnesia anyways. The quirky love they shared before the accident is the real romance, and despite the odds, she comes back to him, memory loss and all.
valentine99's rating:

Say Anything... (1989)
Lloyd Dobbler might possibly be the most lovesick guy ever. It's romantic because he's in love with Diane for all her goodness, and despite her being socially out of his league she easily recognizes his sincere ways and falls for him quickly. Best teenage romance movie ever because it didn't need any gimmicks...Diane isn't dying (here on earth, fault in our stars, walk to remember,) and Lloyd isn't a sparkly vampire.
valentine99's rating:

The Notebook (2004)
GASP! I know! But as wonderful as the story is, it's not the MOST romantic. I think real romance goes both ways and the notebook is far more about Noah's tortured love for Ally then her love for him. It's lady porn/fantasy more than romance....see more when you get to #1.
valentine99's rating:

I didn't want to put both "you've got mail" and "sleepless" on here, I consider them both romantic, but sleepless edged out mail in the romance department because Annie falls in love with Sam just from hearing him on a radio show, and Sam is attracted to Annie without her realizing that he is Sam. It's fated, that's romantic.
Ghost (1990)
I don't think this one even requires explanation. He overcomes being dead, pretty big deal.
These two have everything against them. It may not even be appropriate to call it romantic, since they are only able to be romantic a short time, but it is a great example of love and dedication and sacrifice.
valentine99's rating:

Romantic because its relatable, both men and women could appreciate the risk of going from great friends to something more. The mystery is gone and they still decide to start loving each other.
valentine99's rating:

As Good as It Gets (1997)
A seriously troubled older man pursues a younger hard-assed no-nonsense woman with a sick kid. Naturally insensitive and disconnected he makes leaps and bounds against mental illness for love. And she, impressed by his attempts, warms up to him despite his problems and short comings.
valentine99's rating:

The Lake House (2006)
Falling in love over letters is old school romance. Unfortunately they live in different times. Literally two years apart. Despite the seemingly impossible chance at being together they still fall in love.
valentine99's rating:

Why serendipity is more romantic than the notebook.
John and Sarah fall in love in only a few hours, but the impact was enough to haunt them both for years. Noah and Ally had a whole summer romance but Ally moved on rather smoothly while Noah stayed haunted all alone.
John and Sarah both broke off engagements to other people even though they had no idea if the other was even available. They were too in love to marry other people and risked being alone instead. Ally was actually torn about Noah and her fiancé. Throw in a bus load of charming coincidences, the book with Sarah's last name a gift from johns fiancé, the 5 dollar bill ending up in eves wallet, Sarah and eve switching wallets, the gum on the bench and finally the coat Sarah leaves behind and John uses as a pillow. It's the best.
John and Sarah fall in love in only a few hours, but the impact was enough to haunt them both for years. Noah and Ally had a whole summer romance but Ally moved on rather smoothly while Noah stayed haunted all alone.
John and Sarah both broke off engagements to other people even though they had no idea if the other was even available. They were too in love to marry other people and risked being alone instead. Ally was actually torn about Noah and her fiancé. Throw in a bus load of charming coincidences, the book with Sarah's last name a gift from johns fiancé, the 5 dollar bill ending up in eves wallet, Sarah and eve switching wallets, the gum on the bench and finally the coat Sarah leaves behind and John uses as a pillow. It's the best.
valentine99's rating:

I'm never surprised when I read other lists in this category and a certain movie always takes top spot, I have a theory on that, and a very different pick for top spot. Some "romantic" movies are more like girl-porn love-fantasy than true romance. They are strictly about some perfect guy pining over an average girl next door. Real romance goes both ways and involves setbacks, obstacles and sacrifice.
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