Karl Schanzer
Most popular
Top rated
Most recent

1. Dementia 13 (1963) (1963)
Rating: | 123 Watched |

2. Spider Baby (1967)
Rating: | 89 Watched |

3. Spider Baby (1967)
Rating: | 89 Watched |

4. The Wasp Woman (1959)
Rating: | 48 Watched |

5. Blood Bath (1966)
Rating: | 9 Watched |
Movies written by

1. Camouflage (2005)
Rating: | 11 Watched |

2. The Incredible Invasion (1971) (1971)
Rating: | 6 want to see |

1. Telephone Time (1956)
Rating: | 3 want to see |
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Kid โฒ 3 years, 1 month ago