Jie Yang
Born: 7 April 1929 Died: 15 April 2017
Country of origin: China
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Yang Jie (Chinese: 杨洁; 7 April 1929 - 15 April 2017) was a Chinese television director and producer best known for her work Journey to the West, adapted from the 16th century Ming dynasty novelist Wu Cheng'en's classical novel of the same title.
In 1980, she was signed to direct the fantasy television series Journey to the West, based on the classical novel of the same title by the 16th century Ming dynasty novelist Wu Cheng'en. The series has been replayed almost 3,000 times every year on various Chinese Television channels and has received 6 billion views in the three decades. In 1988, Yang won Best Director at the Gold
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TV directed by
1. Xi you ji
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