Harry Harris
Born: 8 September 1922 Died: 19 March 2009
Country of origin: United States
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Harry was born in Kansas City and moved to Los Angeles in 1937 and worked in the mail room at Columbia Studios. Soon after, he attended UCLA while working as an an apprentice sound cutter and, then, an assistant sound effects editor. His supervisor at Columbia was Ronald Reagan, who hired him as a sound effects editor for training and combat films. Harry's career was interrupted by World War II, because he enlisted in the Army Air Forces, serving in the first Motion Picture Unit. Harry won an Emmy in 1982 for directing in a drama series for an episode of Fame (1982). He was also Emmy nominated for an episode of The Waltons (1971
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TV directed by
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1. MacGyver (1985)
Rating: | 1041 Watched |

3. 7th Heaven (1996)
Rating: | 746 Watched |

4. Magnum, P.I. (1980)
Rating: | 348 Watched |

5. Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman (1993)
Rating: | 277 Watched |
View all Harry Harris TV (61 more)
Movies directed by
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2. Swiss Family Robinson (1975)
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4. Time Out for Dad (1987)
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