Guido Manuli
Guido Manuli was an Italian screenwriter, film director and animator. Born in Cervia in 1939, he started his career in Milan as an illustrator. In 1960 he starts his collaboration with Bruno Bozzetto, assuming various roles - from animator, illustrator to film director and art director. He is famous for West and Soda, Vip - Mio fratello superuomo, Allegro non troppo and for the saga on signor Rossi. In 1991 he won Davide di Donatello for the best screenplay, for the film Volere volare. He is a member of the ASIFA Italia.
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Movies written by
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1. Allegro non Troppo (1976) (1977)
Rating: | 56 Watched |
View all Guido Manuli movies (13 more)
Movies directed by
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3. Opera (1973)
3 Watched |

4. Monster Mash
Rating: | 2 Watched |

5. Striptease (1977)
Rating: | 2 Watched |
View all Guido Manuli movies (2 more)