Gonzalo Urtizberéa
Mr. Urtizberea initiated his stage career in 1974, although he became widely known with television works such as: El Rafa, Matrimonios y algo más, El groncho y la dama or Las Rivarola y Los Libonatti, and more recently, Padre Coraje.
His first role in a film was in 1976 and since then, he has alternated his roles in films such as Garage Olimpo (Marco Bechis, 1999) or Un hijo genial (José Luis Massa, 2003), with the very successful stage works Sinvergüenzas or 5gays.com.
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Most popular
Most recent

1. Garage Olimpo (1999)
Rating: | 40 Watched |

2. Elsa & Fred (2005)
Rating: | 40 Watched |

3. Phase 7 (2010)
Rating: | 21 Watched |

4. Días de vinilo (2012)
Rating: | 4 Watched |

5. Rodencia y el Diente de la Princesa (2012)
Rating: | 3 Watched |
View all Gonzalo Urtizberéa movies (5 more)
Most popular
Top rated
Most recent

1. Los Simuladores (2002)
Rating: | 48 Watched |

2. Casados con hijos (2005)
Rating: | 31 Watched |

4. Padre Coraje
Rating: | 9 Watched |