The Last of Us - PlayStation 3
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The Last of Us Videos
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"Not the best survivor game, but yeah, there are some good setting and interesting characters."
“My The Last of Us review I'm so overwhelmed by this game right now. This game is like a delicious meal. When it ends you want so bad to have more of it but in some other way you are the most satisfied human being in the planet.
The graphics are so amazing I can't even digest it. The story is so well done that I was left teary. And thinking about the ending is surprisingly just as deep as analyzing a good movie. I'm gonna talk about the ending later so keep on with me (haha). Where to start... OK.
This game tells the story of a man with a mission. He has to go across a post-apocalyptic America to deliver a little girl to a rebel group of survivors. As I came aware that it was involving a rebel group holding against the government I was worried. I said to myself "Oh, this” read more

"5.3 PS3:n ehdottomasti paras ja nätein peli. Edelleen herran vuonna 2020 kaunista katseltavaa, ottaa tosissaan konsoliraudasta kaiken irti. Ja vähän enemmänkin. Pitää melkein hommata PS4 jatko-osaa varten."

" Released: 2013 Coming out of the tail-end of the PlayStation 3's lifecycle, The Last of Us is the console's swan song and boy what a way to end things. The Last of Us not only pushed the PS3 to its absolute limits with technical deft as expected from Naughty Dog in terms of visuals and design, it delivered a solid survival-horror game with one of the most memorable and impactful stories in gaming, with writing and performances akin to an Oscar-baiting film. Like how Uncharted upped the standa"
“Para mucha gente fue el mejor juego de esa generación y me parece fácil entender por qué. La manera en que el guión, el arte y las mecánicas interactúan es espectacular y en lo personal logró hacerme pensar en cosas que ningún otro juego ha hecho.” read more