Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Turtles In Time - Super famicom and SNES
50 votes
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Published 14 years, 1 month ago

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Pretty Good
16 years, 9 months ago at Jun 10 21:42
1 vote
TMNT IV is a side scrolling beat 'em up, and in general I think these games are pretty lame, all you do is hit the same buttons over and over again until you kill all the baddies and get the arrow that says you can advance to the right. And that's basically all this game consists of, but TMNT IV manages still to keep me playing every once in a while. It's a really great looking game, with some ... read more
An Amazing Video Game.
16 years, 8 months ago at Jul 1 5:56
1 vote
This is one amazing video game. Yes, the concept is simple, just beat up bad guys hitting the same buttons over and over again, but that is amazingly fun and addictive especially if you completed the game a few times with friends. This game will be remembered for years to come, is an instant classic and easily the best game ever for the Super Nintendo.
6 years, 1 month ago at Jan 15 2:05
1 vote
Este es uno de los juegos licenciados más importantes de la historia, ya que es sumamente divertido más allá de que te gusten las Tortugas Ninja o no, por esa razón es uno de los mayores referentes del género Beat 'em Up y un imperdible del catalogo del Super Nintendo (para muchos el mejor catalogo de la historia). Quizás su único problema es que depende demasiado de que tengas con quien ju... read more
Doesn't this Shredder dude ever take a break? Now he's gone and kidnapped Channel 6's own reporter babe April O' Neil again, and just as the Ninja Turtles were about to kick his butt, he tore open some kinda time portal thingy and flung them back into the past!
Now Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, and Michaelangelo have to fight their way through time and tons of Foot Soldiers, mutant wackos, and more in order to save April and slam Shredder's butt all the way to Dimension X! Go, Turtles! Kick some shell and save April!
... (more)
Manufacturer: Majesco Sales, Inc.
Release date: 19 November 1992
Number of discs: 1
EAN: 0083717150138 UPC: 083717150138
Release date: 19 November 1992
Number of discs: 1
EAN: 0083717150138 UPC: 083717150138
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CheoFuenmayor posted a review 6 years, 1 month ago
“Este es uno de los juegos licenciados más importantes de la historia, ya que es sumamente divertido más allá de que te gusten las Tortugas Ninja o no, por esa razón es uno de los mayores referentes del género Beat 'em Up y un imperdible del catalogo del Super Nintendo (para muchos el mejor catalogo de la historia). Quizás su único problema es que depende demasiado de que tengas con quien jugarlo, debido a que el modo de un jugador puede llegar a ser MUY aburrido.
Tristemente por cuestiones de derechos de autor ha sido imposible traer de vuelta la versión de SNES a plataformas modernas, de modo que sus varios agregadors solo son disfrutables hoy día por medio de emuladores.” read more
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