Super Metroid - Super famicom and SNES
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Super Metroid Videos
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Super Metroid
Entre esos cambios que la comunidad alaba es en la narrativa que tiene el juego sin necesidad de utilizar palabras o videos para contarte lo que se está viviendo en el personaje de Samus, y no solamente en ella, si... read more
Release date: 19 March 1994
Number of discs: 1
EAN: 0045496830298 UPC: 045496830298

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“This fantastic Snes gem is widely and very justifiably regarded as one of the very best early generation console games of all time and I for one still love it, it surpassed its predecessor in every possible way and even today the non-linear exploration which really above everything else is the central aspect, as well as the atmospheric focus on isolation makes it just as spine-tingling and fun a game as it ever was. You actually feel like you're on your own on an alien planet as you encounter the endless hordes of subterranean alien monsters to blast into oblivion. I love how daunting they made the boss battles, none more so than big 'ol Kraid! He might've seemed like an impossible scaly mountain coming right at you, but he was a pushover compared to some of the other guys! The battle agai” read more

"What I love about this game: For me it's without a doubt the best 2D adventure game of all time, and one that still holds well by today standards. With a large map to explore, a feeling of danger as you are exploring an alien planet, and with various items at your disposal, "Super Metroid" is a classic and one of my favorite games of all time."

"One of the most atmospheric games of its time, "Super Metroid" is a non linear game in which you explore an alien planet, recollecting various items to help you traverse different areas. The huge sense of exploration and dinamic gameplay have allowed this game to become a classic and a very well known game in the industry, and it also allowed me to became a fan of the Metroid saga."
“Scritto e diretto da Yoshio Sakamoto e prodotto da Makoto Kano, con le musiche di Kenji Yamamoto e Minako Hamano, il videogioco venne pubblicato in Giappone il 19 marzo 1994. [Wikipedia]
Eh si, il gioco, nonostante la sua età invecchiato benissimo, la formula di Metroid è un classico che tuttora viene ripreso da una miriade di videogiochi che ci si ispirano, creando un genere a se stante sempre fresco: i metroidvania. Possiamo dire che questo titolo ne è il capostipite, un level design a dir poco memorabile, delle musiche e delle ambientazioni ispirate, che danno quel senso claustrofobia e lontananza da ogni essere senziente, i power-up della nostra Samus che sono uno più spettacolare dell'altro è una lore davvero affascinante hanno reso grande questo capolavoro dei video” read more