Suikoden II - PlayStation
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Suikoden II Videos
Cover art, photos and screenshots
The Beast Rune Cometh
I played the original as a grubby copy which I thoroughly enjoyed. But luckily, this game was released in stores. At first, I never thought to buy it but then after realising how stupid I was I harvested it for my collection.
The game really does show the evolu... read more
Best of the Suikoden Series
I like FF also but the charming of Suikoden is to get
all the characters - its a simpler play modus, combat modus etc.
I like to collect all the characters, the story is good and you
can get easy into the game.
I have all of the Suikoden Games except of no. 3 because it wasn't released in Europe.
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Release date: 20 September 1999
Number of discs: 1
EAN: 0083717170426 UPC: 083717170426

Update feed

"Suikoden 2 es el ejemplo perfecto de como hacer un UPGRADE de todo lo que fue presentado en la primera entrega, hay una mejora tanto a nivel jugable como narrativo al punto en el cual se vuelve en el mejor RPG de todos los tiempos por el como esta a traves de sus mecanicas se vuelve dependiente a su medio, es por ello que esta historia tragica de tono gris con un LORE tan inmenso incluso se vuelve superior a otras historias velicas como TLOTGH ya que si da catedra de como aprovechar tu medio par"

" Suikoden II is a special RPG for so, so many reasons. It perfectly balances intimate character drama and friendship with end-of-the-world heroics. Luca Blight is an especially twisted and evil villain in a genre filled with great villains. And of course it’s incredibly rewarding and addictive to solve minigames and puzzles to recruit all 108 hidden characters. A shockingly high number of them can be taken into battle with you, and all of them enrich your castle with interesting dialogue and "

"Finished on 29th of June, PSX-emulator Tämä peli on rautaa! Suikoden II:sta kunnianhimoisempaa J-RPG:tä saa hakemalla hakea. Muhkea 108 pelattavan hahmon (joista jokainen on pelattavuudeltaan ja hahmosuunnittelultaan ainutlaatuinen) katras saa jopa Chrono Crossin häpeänurkkaan. Grindaaminen ei ole läheskään niin puuduttavaa kuin J-RPG:ssä yleensä, sillä alikehittyneet hahmot saavat kyllä leveleissä nopeasti kiinni. Luca Blight on parhaimpia ja häijympiä pahiksia ja juoni yhdistel"