A modern classic, no doubt.
Okami is everything you'd want in a Zelda-esque adventure, right here on the PlayStation 2. It's big (big? Rather gigantic!), it's beautiful and it's an utter joy to play through.
The 'catch' of the game is that you use a brush to create various weapons and movements that alter the world and it's inhabitants. This works very well. So well, in fact, that you'd almost imagine the Wiimote of the Nintendo Wii to be a perfect match to the game. At the moment of writing, a Wii version has been announced, so if you don't have a PS2, you can pick it up for Nintendo's console.
Okami is just pure fun, plain and simple. The graphics ensure the game is a joy for gamers that look for games with a great art direction, and the gameplay will please anyone that has ever enjoyed an adventure of the Zelda franchise. Essensial.
ลkami Reviews
Zelda for PS2

This game plays a lot like a Zelda game. People will argue against it, but there are a lot of similarities. It's a lot of fun but it slowly and steadily feels more and more like a chore instead of fun. Get a new power, move on, get a new power, move on. It's beautiful and amazing and completely worth a full playthrough. The only real problem is the inability to skip text. Most people will be able to read much quicker than the text scrolls and it really feels like a chore to hit X again and again waiting for it to finish. Maybe not necessarily game-breaking, but it really was a damper for me.