It begins here... The armies of ancient Greece are amassed against you. On the rocky battle plain at Charonaea, you and your father stand against seemingly insurmountable odds. Defeat will doom you to obscurity. Victory will herald the beginning of the most spectacular military campaign in history, one that will carry you from Greece to Africa and Asia. The entire known world can be yours to conquer. You are Alexander Take command of the legendary armies of Macedon. Conquer the rebellious Greeks. Crush the defiant Persians. Capture the crowns of kings and pharaohs to earn the most exalted title of all: Alexander the Great. Or at
It begins here... The armies of ancient Greece are amassed against you. On the rocky battle plain at Charonaea, you and your father stand against seemingly insurmountable odds. Defeat will doom you to obscurity. Victory will herald the beginning of the most spectacular military campaign in history, one that will carry you from Greece to Africa and Asia. The entire known world can be yours to conquer. You are Alexander Take command of the legendary armies of Macedon. Conquer the rebellious Greeks. Crush the defiant Persians. Capture the crowns of kings and pharaohs to earn the most exalted title of all: Alexander the Great. Or attempt to turn the inexorable tide of Alexander's conquest. Assume the role of Darius, Mennon, Clitus, and other celebrated military commanders of the age. Then engage the forces of Alexander in ten different battles to rewrite the history books. The world is at your feet Can you match the strategic brilliance of Alexander the Great? Can you conquer the known world? There's only one way to find out...
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Manufacturer: Interactive Magic
Release date: 31 December 1969
EAN: 0707358141026 UPC: 707358141026
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