Tigger's Honey Hunt - PC Games
Anyone who has grown up without coming in contact with the Winnie the Pooh stories likely suffers a severe whimsy deficit as a result. Whether from the original A.A. Milne novels and stories or through the Walt Disney film adaptations, the misadventures of Pooh, Christopher Robin, Tigger and Piglet provide a completely entertaining diversion from ordinary story telling.The story in Tigger's Honey Hunt starts with Pooh, who is planning a grand party. But he can't even begin to plan the bash without knowing he has sufficient honey for his guests to enjoy. Bouncing along in his own inimitable way, Tigger pledges to help Pooh locate
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Manufacturer: Atari
Release date: 7 December 2000
Number of discs: 1
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Release date: 7 December 2000
Number of discs: 1