The world of Bakugan comes alive! The 6 unique arenas burst with incredible action, and new play mechanics take the Bakugan experience beyond cartoons and board games to a whole new level! Product Description
[Link removed - login to see] repeat-x; border-left: 1px solid #999999; border-right: 1px solid #999999; padding-left: 20px; padding-right: 20px; padding-bottom: 10px; width: 250px; font-family: verdana; font-size: 12px; }
The story of Bakugan: Battle Brawlers revolves around a set of metallic cards that mysteriously fall from space. On finding them,
The world of Bakugan comes alive! The 6 unique arenas burst with incredible action, and new play mechanics take the Bakugan experience beyond cartoons and board games to a whole new level! Product Description
[Link removed - login to see] repeat-x; border-left: 1px solid #999999; border-right: 1px solid #999999; padding-left: 20px; padding-right: 20px; padding-bottom: 10px; width: 250px; font-family: verdana; font-size: 12px; }
The story of Bakugan: Battle Brawlers revolves around a set of metallic cards that mysteriously fall from space. On finding them, kids from around the planet discover that the cards also provide access to a variety of monsters that can be pitted against each other and so develop a game based on the cards and monsters and set up tournaments. One group of these kids, who name themselves the "Bakugan Battle Brawlers" and who are led by Dan, find that the cards also serve as a link to a parallel dimension known as Vestroia. Here they discover that the game and its monsters that they are dedicated to mastering is tied to an imbalance of positive and negative energy in Vestroia. This imbalance must be corrected to avoid unspeakable consequences for Vestroia, and since a link has been made to the Earth, eventually the kids' home as well.
Roll with the Battle Brawlers.
View larger. Gameplay
Those who have played the popular Bakugan card game might already have an idea of how gameplay works in Bakugan: Battle Brawlers, but the video game adds several new elements. The game is something of a cross between marbles and a live action card game. To get started you'll first need to enter your name, select an attribute and create your character. Then you'll be ready to explore the world of Bakugan. If you can't wait to start battling your friends, then head straight to the Battle Arena, but if you want to be the best you have to learn the rules. The goal of Bakugan: Battle Brawlers is to win the game by collecting three "gate cards." Gate cards are collected by winning battles against opponents. As a starting move each player sets down one metallic gate card. Then you're ready to roll your Bakugan, which is in the form of a ball. After throwing you can steer your Bakugan around the environment so that it lands on the perfect card and collects powerups. The aim is to get your Bakugan to stand on a card, and that happens when they roll over it slowly. Once the Bakugan stands, it will transform into Battle Mode. Now you're ready to battle. A battle begins when two Bakugan from different players stand on the same gate card. The gate card then opens and both bakugan transform into Monster Mode, and are ready to fight. The gate card can add "G-Power" to a Bakugan according to its world attribute (color) and can also change the rules of the battle. Players can also boost their G-power by doing well in battle. The Bakugan with the highest G-power at the end of the battle wins. After battling, you can also use the points you have won to upgrade your Bakugan, acquire new in-game items, engage in Tag Team or Battle Royale action, or hone your skills by practicing your moves and strategy with Dan.
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Hybrid gameplay.
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Collectable Bakugan.
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Multiplayer action.
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Defend the Earth.
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Manufacturer: Activision Inc.
Release date: 20 October 2009
Number of discs: 1
EAN: 0047875760035 UPC: 047875760035
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