Blobs of ectoplasm, angry Rottweilers, and sneaky lawn dwarfs are just a few of the obstacles you'll encounter playing 3-D Ultra Radio Control Racers. This racing game boasts lush graphics, customization options that accommodate the clueless as well as the hardcore racer, and plenty of fun-loving attitude. This is the only CD-ROM we've encountered where we must endure both chicken attacks and an announcer blaring, "What a pathetic display!" as we limp across the finish line dead last.
Racers can use the keyboard, a joystick, or the mouse to control the remote-control car they chose. The keyboard option is extremely
Blobs of ectoplasm, angry Rottweilers, and sneaky lawn dwarfs are just a few of the obstacles you'll encounter playing 3-D Ultra Radio Control Racers. This racing game boasts lush graphics, customization options that accommodate the clueless as well as the hardcore racer, and plenty of fun-loving attitude. This is the only CD-ROM we've encountered where we must endure both chicken attacks and an announcer blaring, "What a pathetic display!" as we limp across the finish line dead last.
Racers can use the keyboard, a joystick, or the mouse to control the remote-control car they chose. The keyboard option is extremely squirrelly, mousing is easier, and, well, there's a reason joysticks are called what they are. Players can race the computer, go solo around the tracks, race another player, or get on a circuit and race for "money" that they can use to buy upgrades for their vehicles. For the truly helpless, there's a controlled steering option that drives the car around the track automatically as the player supplies the acceleration. Players also have the option of enabling or disabling power-ups on the tracks--pick these up and your car can inflict bottle rockets, oil slicks, electrical arcs, and more on opponents. There are also a couple of nonracing games: a soccer game with cars as players, and battle ball, a game in which players use their cars to hit balls into a pit.
This Windows-only game's strongest points are the 16 tracks that range from simple to insane, and the way players can manipulate the program to suit and satisfy a wide range of racing skills. Racing-impaired testers had fun avoiding demented lawn dwarfs in Backyard, and dodging wayward amphibians that hop out of Frog Pond. Meanwhile, tracks like Haunted and Aztec challenged the true gearheads. Just watch out for that nasty chicken on Hillbilly Hill. --Anne Erickson
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Manufacturer: Vivendi Universal
Release date: 1 September 1999
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