Fernando Luís
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2. Conta-me Como Foi (2007)
Rating: | 6 Watched |

3. Rua Sésamo
Rating: | 2 Watched |

4. Doida por Ti
Rating: | 2 Watched |

5. Sentimentos
Rating: | 1 want to see |
View all Fernando Luís TV (17 more)
Most popular
Most recent

1. Alice (2005)
Rating: | 12 want to see |

2. Sangue do Meu Sangue (2011)
Rating: | 9 Watched |

3. Getúlio (2014)
Rating: | 9 Watched |

4. Noite Escura
Rating: | 5 Watched |

5. Mal Nascida
Rating: | 3 want to see |
View all Fernando Luís movies (6 more)
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L90 added this to a list 6 years ago
Portuguese Celebrities (475 person items)