Elizabeth Sandy
Country of origin: Australia
Currently Residing In: Australia
Relationship Status: Married
Partner: James Huang
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Elizabeth Sandy was born in Melbourne, Australia to Margaret (Waterson) and Geoffrey Sandy.
Elizabeth started dancing at a very young age and dreamed of being a professional dancer as her career - that was until she joined a theatre company at age 13 and discovered her true passion was in acting. Spotted by a youth agent in a production of 'Fame,' Elizabeth soon began acting in television commercials and subsequent theatre productions. That lead to her first network television appearance as a schoolgirl with an attitude in a comedy sketch on the long-running Australian variety show Hey Hey It's Saturday (1971). More film and
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1. The Cleaning Lady (2019)
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2. Chalk It Up (2016)
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4. The Scenesters (2009)
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5. Delivery: The Beast Within (2013)
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1. Modern Family (2009)
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3. Awkward.
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4. Suburgatory (2011)
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5. Neighbours (1985)
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1. Svetlana and Ivanka II: American Icon (2010)
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aLittleTyger posted 2 images 2 years, 4 months ago