Twelve Kingdoms - Chapter 9 - Atonement - Region 1 DVD
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Published 13 years, 1 month ago

In times of crisis, the principles of kingdoms are forged and the mettle of a leader is tested. A stage has been set and dressed with the armies of Kei. The resistance forces teeter on the brink of collapse, with imperial guards flanking them on all sides. Youko must make her move if all is to not be lost. The will of the Heavens have been challenged and it is Youko who must enforce them. Divided and torn, the fearless band of fighters wait for the promised aid that will win the war and free them from the oppression of Shoukou.
Manufacturer: Anime Works
Release date: 28 December 2004
Number of discs: 1
EAN: 9781586555870 UPC: 631595046571
Release date: 28 December 2004
Number of discs: 1
EAN: 9781586555870 UPC: 631595046571
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