Taxidermia is a film that defies categorization. It is at once beautiful and horrific, engaging and repulsive, a serious-minded arthouse flick and a dark, disturbed comedic satire. I am admittedly unfamiliar with much of the history of Hungary between WWII and today and without having a feel for things like popular sentiment, national identity, etc. over that time frame its difficult to judge exactly what tone the director is trying to strike with this movie. Consequently, in most instances I find that his sheer skill as a film-maker shines through even the bleakest of subject matter, while at other times moments of such morbidness and absurdity are at play that I simply don't know what to make of it. In the end I do feel that this film has a good deal of worth, but be warned, discovering it won't be easy. One must first navigate through more than one erection, flaming ejaculate, a live and lovingly shot autopsy of sorts, and plenty of vomit...just for starters. I suspect that at Taxadermia's conclusion a good many viewers will regret ever watching it, while at least as many will immediately pull up the film's wikipedia page. You're the best judge of which one you are.
Taxidermia Reviews
Taxidermia review