Jack Frost - Region 2 DVD
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Whatever you do, don't confuse this Jack Frost with the 1997 comedic horror flick of the same name (its tagline: "He's chillin ... and killin'"). This family film stars Michael Keaton as Jack Frost, an aspiring musician, loving husband and occasionally absent father. Frost's life is unexpectedly cut short by a car accident and a year after his death he comes back as--you guessed it--a snowman, to help his family heal (Kelly Preston and Joseph Cross as wife and son Gabby and Charlie, respectively). The sudden death may affect sensitive younger viewers but by the time Frost returns the movie is more light-hearted and the
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Manufacturer: Warner Home Video
Release date: 15 November 1999
Number of discs: 1
EAN: 7321900172271
Release date: 15 November 1999
Number of discs: 1
EAN: 7321900172271
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