Though it aired for only two seasons the classic 1980s cartoon series HE-MAN AND THE MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE remains a nostalgic favorite of anyone who grew up in the Reagan era. Originally created to sell a line of action figures the syndicated series transcended its toy-tie-in roots with imaginative storytelling hand-drawn animation and an adroit blend of action fantasy and science-fiction.The series follows the mythical adventures of a mild-mannered royal whose magic sword transforms him into a loinclothed Prince Valiant-coiffed muscleman known as He-Man the most powerful being in the universe. Together with a loyal band of f
Though it aired for only two seasons the classic 1980s cartoon series HE-MAN AND THE MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE remains a nostalgic favorite of anyone who grew up in the Reagan era. Originally created to sell a line of action figures the syndicated series transcended its toy-tie-in roots with imaginative storytelling hand-drawn animation and an adroit blend of action fantasy and science-fiction.The series follows the mythical adventures of a mild-mannered royal whose magic sword transforms him into a loinclothed Prince Valiant-coiffed muscleman known as He-Man the most powerful being in the universe. Together with a loyal band of followers--including his pet tiger Cringer; his man-at-arms Duncan; the beautiful captain of the guards Teela; a cloaked floating magician Orko; and his winged mentor Sorceress--He-Man fights to protect the magically-powered Castle Greyskull from the evil clutches of his skull-faced nemesis Skeletor who presides over his own army of supervillains. This collection presents the first half of the second season with episodes 66 through 98.Format: DVD MOVIE Genre: TELEVISION/SERIES & SEQUELS Rating: NR UPC: 787364671090
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Manufacturer: Bci / Eclipse
Release date: 6 June 2006
Number of discs: 6
EAN: 0787364671090 UPC: 787364671090
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