David Wojnarowicz
Birth Name: David Wojnarowicz
Born: 14 September 1954 Died: 22 July 1992
Country of origin: United States
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David Wojnarowicz known more for his writing, art and AIDS activism than his acting. Born in Red Bank, New Jersey in 1954, into a terrible family setting. His father abused David and the rest of the family, occasionally brandishing a gun and shooting the house up. Left home by 16 and relocated to NYC. With no money or education he turned tricks in the city for money. At this point he also began using intravenous drugs. Once in NYC he began gathering a series of monologues from homeless people, hookers, drug addicts, and the like. He was able to find a publisher and these narratives can be found in "The Weight of the Earth&q
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1. All the Beauty and the Bloodshed (2022)
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3. Stray Dogs (1985)
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5. Wojnarowicz (2020)
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Movies written by

1. Postcards from America (1994)
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