Clément Michu
Born: 27 November 1936 Died: 21 October 2016
Country of origin: France
View all Clément Michu pictures
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1. The Mad Adventures of Rabbi Jacob (1973)
Rating: | 96 Watched |

2. Don't Look Now... We're Being Shot At! (1966)
Rating: | 91 Watched |

3. Mr. 73 (2008)
Rating: | 51 Watched |

4. Delusions of Grandeur (1971)
Rating: | 45 Watched |
View all Clément Michu movies (8 more)
Most popular
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1. Les enquêtes du commissaire Maigret (1967)
Rating: | 2 Watched |

3. La Polonaise
0 want to see |

4. Marie Pervenche (1984)
0 want to see |
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allezlafrance 5 years, 5 months ago