Undine is the Spirit of Water, also representing one of the four cardinal elements of the Tales games. Undine has appeared in several games of the series as characters and cameos, and she is able to be summoned through the Undine arte. Undine is opposed by Efreet, the Spirit of Fire, and in certain games, Volt, the Spirit of Lightning. In Tales of Rebirth, Undine is replaced by Shaorune, the Sacred Beast of Water. In Tales of Graces, she is replaced by the Spirit Cyandine. In Tales of Phantasia, she appeared as a sword-wielding sprite, but as the series progressed, her appearance became more toward that of a merperson. In early games, Undine was pronounced with an "e" at the end, but in more recent titles, the "e" became silent.
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Providence posted 3 images 3 years, 2 months ago