Sabine Wren
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Sabine Wren
2 years, 7 months ago at Jul 21 20:13
First Appearance: Star Wars RebelsMandalorian warriors have a reputation as the galaxy’s most serious and dangerous fighters. Sabine, a Mandalorian, fits that mold well: she’s an expert with weapons of all kinds, forged her own armor, and became a bounty hunter after deciding that the Imperial Academy on Mandalore didn’t agree with her. Though she initially has hopes of joining criminal orga... read more
Sabine Wren was a human female Mandalorian warrior and revolutionary leader during the early rebellion against the Galactic Empire. Her artistry during the rebellion inspired the symbol of the Alliance to Restore the Republic, and her claim over the ancient Mandalorian weapon known as the Darksaber made her a symbol to Clan Wren and the hopes of freeing her homeworld of Mandalore from the rule of the Empire.
Prior to becoming a rebel, Wren was a cadet at the Imperial Academy of Mandalore. She built weapons she believed would be used for peace but were instead used against her family and her people. Wracked with guilt, Wren left Mandalore and was branded a traitor by the Empire and her mother, Ursa Wren, leader of the clan. Wren worked as a bounty hunter alongside her friend Ketsu Onyo before being recruited by Captain Hera Syndulla and the Jedi Kanan Jarrus to join their rebel crew aboard the starship Ghost. Together, the crew fought against the Empire and used Wren's art as a symbol of hope. They became part of a larger rebel movement, with Wren's work continuing to inspire the fledgling rebellion.
Prior to becoming a rebel, Wren was a cadet at the Imperial Academy of Mandalore. She built weapons she believed would be used for peace but were instead used against her family and her people. Wracked with guilt, Wren left Mandalore and was branded a traitor by the Empire and her mother, Ursa Wren, leader of the clan. Wren worked as a bounty hunter alongside her friend Ketsu Onyo before being recruited by Captain Hera Syndulla and the Jedi Kanan Jarrus to join their rebel crew aboard the starship Ghost. Together, the crew fought against the Empire and used Wren's art as a symbol of hope. They became part of a larger rebel movement, with Wren's work continuing to inspire the fledgling rebellion.
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thejim rated this 10/10 1 year, 4 months ago
kalasan rated this 4/10 1 year, 7 months ago
Gladus rated this 6/10 1 year, 7 months ago
Rylvan posted 2 images 1 year, 10 months ago
Kyle Ellis posted a review 2 years, 7 months ago
“First Appearance: Star Wars Rebels
Mandalorian warriors have a reputation as the galaxy’s most serious and dangerous fighters. Sabine, a Mandalorian, fits that mold well: she’s an expert with weapons of all kinds, forged her own armor, and became a bounty hunter after deciding that the Imperial Academy on Mandalore didn’t agree with her. Though she initially has hopes of joining criminal organization Black Sun, Sabine instead falls in with a band of Rebels captained by Hera Syndulla. Sabine continues to forge her own path and finds creative uses for her explosives, including detonating a bomb that painted a squad of Stormtroopers blue.
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Kyle Ellis rated this 10/10 2 years, 7 months ago
angy91 rated this 8/10 6 years, 9 months ago
Pacifista O rated this 6/10 7 years, 1 month ago
Veilor rated this 6/10 7 years, 6 months ago
Rylvan posted a video 7 years, 7 months ago
Rylvan posted a video 7 years, 7 months ago