Ornstein and Smough
Ornstein is the captain of the Four Knights of Gwyn Lord of Cinder, serving alongside Artorias the Abysswalker, Lord's Blade Ciaran, and Hawkeye Gough. As his name would suggest, he was an honorary dragon slayer.
He wields his Dragonslayer Spear, a sword-spear after the fashion of Gwyn's Firstborn's own weapon. He also commands the power of lightning. It is believed that he was left behind with Smough to guard Anor Londo's cathedral after the gods fled.
The executioner for the royal family of Anor Londo, Smough dreamed of being anointed a knight of Gwyn. However, such was his relish for his work that he soon began to eat the bones of those he had executed. Regarded as distasteful by his masters, the royal family never raised him to the rank of knight. Though, after the gods fled Anor Londo, he remains in defence of Gwynevere's illusion. Whether he does so out of loyalty to Gwyndolin or he, too, has been fooled by the illusion of sunlight is not clear.
He wields his Dragonslayer Spear, a sword-spear after the fashion of Gwyn's Firstborn's own weapon. He also commands the power of lightning. It is believed that he was left behind with Smough to guard Anor Londo's cathedral after the gods fled.
The executioner for the royal family of Anor Londo, Smough dreamed of being anointed a knight of Gwyn. However, such was his relish for his work that he soon began to eat the bones of those he had executed. Regarded as distasteful by his masters, the royal family never raised him to the rank of knight. Though, after the gods fled Anor Londo, he remains in defence of Gwynevere's illusion. Whether he does so out of loyalty to Gwyndolin or he, too, has been fooled by the illusion of sunlight is not clear.
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