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list by mattze87

3. Nariko

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“First Appearance: Heavenly SwordHair Color: RedEye Color: Blackish-GreenBackground and CharacteristicsThe beautiful Nariko is a female character that made her debut in the hit game, Heavenly Sword. Voiced by Anna Torv, Nariko is portrayed in the series as pariah who was forsaken by her clan following a misinterpretation of a prophecy regarding the “Year of the Fire-Horse.” Deprived of her royal status guaranteed by the clan’s prophecy, Nariko secretly undergoes extensive training in the art of fighting, becoming one of the greatest warriors in her clan’s history. After eventually crossing paths with the orphan known as Kai, Nariko leads a desperate struggle against the evil King Bohan, utilizing the power of the Heavenly Sword to defeat his armies, and save her people in the pr” read more