4 votes
Thundercats : The Cast
(31 items)list by xeriminx
Published 8 years, 6 months ago
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Lynx-O is the oldest ThunderCat alive. He was blinded by fire before Thundera exploded. He has been able to fine-tune his other senses because of this. A Braille board was made for him, so he could learn about the Lunataks. Now it is used to help guide through the Forest of Mist and to learn about other things before the rest of the ThunderCats learn about them. Lynx-O is based on the Lynx.
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SwornShadow rated this 9/10 6 years, 6 months ago
xeriminx added this to a list 8 years, 6 months ago

"Lynx-O is the oldest ThunderCat alive. He was blinded by fire before Thundera exploded. He has been able to fine-tune his other senses because of this. A Braille board was made for him, so he could learn about the Lunataks. Now it is used to help guide through the Forest of Mist and to learn about other things before the rest of the ThunderCats learn about them. Lynx-O is based on the Lynx."
bradb212 rated this 4/10 8 years, 9 months ago
BAMF rated this 8/10 8 years, 9 months ago
xeriminx rated this 7/10 8 years, 9 months ago