Klaes Ashford
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Commander Klaes Ashford was a Belter who served as First Officer aboard the OPAS Behemoth. He was appointed by Anderson Dawes, and served as second-in-command to Captain Camina Drummer.
Ashford was raised in the Belt, and is widely famed for his long career as one of the best pirates in the region, for which he earned the monicker "The Ghost Knife of Callisto". At some point in his life, Ashford had a daughter who died in a fire that left the right side of Ashford's body heavily scarred with burns. Ashford witnessed his daughter's death, which heavily affected him, and his view of war and violence overall.
Ashford was raised in the Belt, and is widely famed for his long career as one of the best pirates in the region, for which he earned the monicker "The Ghost Knife of Callisto". At some point in his life, Ashford had a daughter who died in a fire that left the right side of Ashford's body heavily scarred with burns. Ashford witnessed his daughter's death, which heavily affected him, and his view of war and violence overall.
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