Jenova is an extraterrestrial life-form in Final Fantasy VII that also appears in retellings of sections of the game in the rest of the Compilation of Final Fantasy VII. Jenova serves as a major antagonist in the world of Final Fantasy VII, and experiments on its cells have produced many of the other antagonists as well, including Sephiroth.
Throughout Final Fantasy VII Jenova is often referred to as "she," though Ifalna calls Jenova "he". Jenova has a feminine form and is said to be the "mother" of Sephiroth. It is called the "calamity from the skies" or the "crisis from the sky", or "heaven's dark harbinger" by the Cetra.
Throughout Final Fantasy VII Jenova is often referred to as "she," though Ifalna calls Jenova "he". Jenova has a feminine form and is said to be the "mother" of Sephiroth. It is called the "calamity from the skies" or the "crisis from the sky", or "heaven's dark harbinger" by the Cetra.
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