North Italy
From the Hetalia KitaWiki:
"North Italy is a cheerful, energetic man, who although being the kin of Ancient Rome, is an irresponsible crybaby. He loves pasta, pizza, gelato, and cheese. Although he relies on Germany a lot, Italy doesn't really listen to what he says and instead daydreams or wanders off. His hobbies include cooking, designing clothes, siestas, painting, and singing."
"North Italy is a cheerful, energetic man, who although being the kin of Ancient Rome, is an irresponsible crybaby. He loves pasta, pizza, gelato, and cheese. Although he relies on Germany a lot, Italy doesn't really listen to what he says and instead daydreams or wanders off. His hobbies include cooking, designing clothes, siestas, painting, and singing."
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Davian_1492 rated this 2/10 1 year, 6 months ago
Pacifista O rated this 5/10 1 year, 8 months ago
Alijan8 rated this 5/10 2 years, 10 months ago