EVA, also known as Tatyana (Russian: Татьяна), and later known as Matka Pluku, and Big Mama, was a spy who fought alongside Naked Snake during Operation Snake Eater. While posing as a KGB agent, she actually worked as a spy for the Chinese People's Liberation Army, tasked with obtaining the Philosophers' Legacy. She later became the surrogate mother of Solid Snake and Liquid Snake.
EVA was born in Meridian, Idaho, on May 15, 1936. At some point in her childhood, prior to the start of World War II, she, along with several other children across the world, were taken by the Philosophers and raised in a joint U.S.-Soviet-Chinese facility, receiving spy training at one of the Philosophers' "charm schools," so she could become a "sleeper agent." As a result of this, she was indistinguishable from any other native-born American.
EVA eventually joined the Chinese People's Liberation Army General Staff Headquarters - Second Division. There, she learned techniques such as "bandit shooting," a horizontal sweep using the Chinese Type 17 Mauser pistol.
EVA was born in Meridian, Idaho, on May 15, 1936. At some point in her childhood, prior to the start of World War II, she, along with several other children across the world, were taken by the Philosophers and raised in a joint U.S.-Soviet-Chinese facility, receiving spy training at one of the Philosophers' "charm schools," so she could become a "sleeper agent." As a result of this, she was indistinguishable from any other native-born American.
EVA eventually joined the Chinese People's Liberation Army General Staff Headquarters - Second Division. There, she learned techniques such as "bandit shooting," a horizontal sweep using the Chinese Type 17 Mauser pistol.
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