Blue Beetle (Daniel Garrett)
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Popular Comic Characters & Their First Appearances
(152 items)list by KBLists
Published 8 years, 11 months ago
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It was said that Pharaoh Kha-Ef-Re possessed a powerful artifact, a figurine in the shape of a blue scarab; with its powers, he was able to defend his followers from all evil. When Kha-Ef-Re died, the Scarab was buried with him in his tomb; over the years, thousands died attempting to claim it for their own.
In August 1939, a couple of weeks before the Second World War, archaeologist Dan Garrett and his companion Prof. Luri Hoshid entered Kha-Ef-Re's tomb, becoming the first people to reach the Pharaoh's sarcophagus in millennia. Atop the sarcophagus rested Kha-Ef-Re's scarab.
As Dan and Luri admired the figurine, a cave-in began, the walls of the tomb collapsing on them. As Dan attempted to save Luri, the scarab flared to life, transforming Dan into a costumed superhero. Dan used his new-found superhuman strength to stop the cave-in, identifying himself as the Blue Beetle.
In August 1939, a couple of weeks before the Second World War, archaeologist Dan Garrett and his companion Prof. Luri Hoshid entered Kha-Ef-Re's tomb, becoming the first people to reach the Pharaoh's sarcophagus in millennia. Atop the sarcophagus rested Kha-Ef-Re's scarab.
As Dan and Luri admired the figurine, a cave-in began, the walls of the tomb collapsing on them. As Dan attempted to save Luri, the scarab flared to life, transforming Dan into a costumed superhero. Dan used his new-found superhuman strength to stop the cave-in, identifying himself as the Blue Beetle.
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KBLists added this to a list 8 years, 11 months ago

"First Appearance: Mystery Men Comics #1 (August, 1939) Value: $18,500 "