Black Canary
Birth Name: Dinah Drake Lance
Country of origin: United States
Relationship Status: In a relationship
Partner: Green Arrow (c)
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Black Canary Videos
7. Black Canary
Dinah Laurel Lance (Black Canary) is a world-class martial artist with a superpower — the "Canary Cry" — a high powered sonic scream that could shatter objects and incapacitate enemies. She is the daughter of the Golden Age heroine of the same name and, just like her mother before her, has been a member of the Justice Society - albeit in more modern times.
She is a member of the Justice League, as well, and longtime love of fellow team member, Green Arrow. The couple eventually married yet after the events of Blackest Night discovers that he murdered the villain Prometheus and leaves him.

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"Franchise: DC Comics Class: Bruiser Voice Actor: Vanessa Marshall Default Skin: Biker Alternate Skin: Bombshell "
“Black Canary made her debut in Flash Comics #86 back in 1947. She was created by Carmine Infantino and Robert Kanigher. Of her first appearance, Infantino said this…
“I was drawing Johnny Thunder, which was not much of a character. I suppose he could have been better because his ‘Thunderbolt’ was interesting, but the situations they were in were pretty juvenile. Bob Kanigher wrote those stories, and he had no respect for the characters. These stories were nowhere near as good as ‘The Flash’ stories. DC knew it—they knew ‘Johnny Thunder’ was a loser, so Kanigher and I brought the Black Canary into the series. Immediately she got a good response, and it was, ‘Bye, bye, Johnny Thunder.’ Nobody missed him.”
Black Canary has remained primarily unchang” read more