Carlos Manga
TV directed by
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1. Sítio do Picapau Amarelo (2001)
Rating: | 64 Watched |

5. Decadência
Rating: | 5 Watched |
View all Carlos Manga TV (1 more)

1. Belíssima (2005)
Rating: | 54 Watched |
Movies directed by
Most popular
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1. O Homem do Sputnik (1959)
Rating: | 7 Watched |

3. Assim Era a Atlântida (1975)
Rating: | 4 Watched |

5. Carnaval Atlântida (1952)
Rating: | 2 want to see |
Movies written by
TV written by

1. Apolônio Brasil, Campeão da Alegria (2003)
1 want to see |
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