Young Avengers Vol. 1: Sidekicks
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500 Greatest Comic Book Covers...
(500 items)list by Happy Vader
Published 12 years, 10 months ago

In the wake of Avengers Disassembled, a mysterious new group of teen super heroes appears. But who are they? Where did they come from? And what right do they have to call themselves the Young Avengers? Young Gun Jim Cheung and TV superstar writer Allan Heinberg (The O.C., Sex and the City, Party of Five) promise to shock and surprise! Collects Young Avengers #1-6.
Manufacturer: Marvel
Release date: 19 April 2006
ISBN-10 : 0785120181 | ISBN-13: 9780785120186
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Release date: 19 April 2006
ISBN-10 : 0785120181 | ISBN-13: 9780785120186