Thanos: The Infinity Revelation
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Minhas Graphic Novels
(1265 items)list by diabolical dr voodoo
Published 10 years ago
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5 votes
Lidos em 2017
(172 items)list by diabolical dr voodoo
Published 8 years, 2 months ago
1 comment

There is an imbalance in the universe. And, since his latest return from oblivion, Thanos himself feels... incomplete. Now the so-called Mad Titan would put both wrongs right. A pilgrimage to Death's dark domain, and the revelatory waters of the Infinity Well, leads Thanos on a new quest, with a once sworn enemy at his side. A crusade that will bring confrontation with the Silver Surfer and the galaxy's mightiest heroes, the Annihilators. An odyssey that will change everything. Cosmic maestro Jim Starlin returns to his signature character in a tale of death and rebirth that will transform the Marvel Universe once more!
Manufacturer: Marvel
Release date: 5 August 2014
ISBN-10 : 0785184708 | ISBN-13: 9780785184706
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Release date: 5 August 2014
ISBN-10 : 0785184708 | ISBN-13: 9780785184706

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diabolical dr voodoo posted 2 images 7 years, 11 months ago
diabolical dr voodoo rated this 6/10 8 years ago
diabolical dr voodoo added this to a list 8 years ago
Lidos em 2017 (172 books items)
diabolical dr voodoo added this to a list 8 years ago
Minhas Graphic Novels (1265 books items)