The Sweet Far Thing (Gemma Doyle Trilogy)
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17 votes
Book Series that are Better than Twilight
(70 items)list by 186FleetStreet
Published 12 years, 5 months ago
16 years, 10 months ago at May 9 17:30
This is THE most AWESOME book I've ever read!!! This book made me feel...I haven't felt anything in years. This book made me cry like I haven't in years. This book is going onto my Shelf of Glory in my library, front and center.This is AMAZING. It's beyond words.
You really shouldn't waste your time reading the other silly little books when you could be reading the books of this tri... read more
Manufacturer: Delacorte Press Books for Young Readers
Release date: 26 December 2007
ISBN-10 : 0385730306 | ISBN-13: 9780385730303
Release date: 26 December 2007
ISBN-10 : 0385730306 | ISBN-13: 9780385730303
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