State and Revolution (Little Lenin library)
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Manufacturer: International Publishers
Release date: 19 August 2013
ISBN-10 : B0007DKBBI |
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Release date: 19 August 2013
ISBN-10 : B0007DKBBI |
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Darth Brutus rated this 6/10 3 years, 2 months ago
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Book Diary 2021 (96 books items)
"11.11. I think one should always be willing to learn to understand other people even if you're not into their way of thinking. That's why I gathered some Soviet-era ideological literature and had some fun with it. Good thing this stuff is still stored in local libraries as historical documents. So far I've read this book and a one big collection of essays, speeches and letters, and it's very fascinating. I don't think even people advocating this stuff have ever read all this nonsense. But now "