Something Fresh - The Original Classic Edition
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In P.G. Wodehouse (Thames and Hudson Literary Lives Series), James Connolly offers this advice: Relax and reread Wodehouse; hes the boy to restore a sense of proportion. Absolutely good advice. I find rereading Wodehouse is more enjoyable than most first reads of other authors, and hes quite easy to reread, even if you dont intend to, because his stories appear in various collections and his novels were often published under various titles. Something Fresh, officially the first book in the Blandings Castle saga, was published as Something New as a serial in The Saturday Evening Post in 1915, and then as a book with the same tit
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Manufacturer: tebbo
Release date: 19 May 2012
ISBN-10 : 1486149340 | ISBN-13: 9781486149346
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Release date: 19 May 2012
ISBN-10 : 1486149340 | ISBN-13: 9781486149346