Sh*t My Dad Says
Description: Review
Photographs from Sh*t My Dad Says
(Click on Thumbnails to Enlarge) I have no idea why I'm sopping wet in this photo, but I'm going to guess it's because I rolled in something filthy or spilled something on myself. Hosing me down was my dad’s favorite method for cleaning me off. Here I am with my dad in his garden, which he adores and whose upkeep he takes very seriously. "It's my first love, besides your mother and horse racing. And you and your brothers, too, I suppose," he’s said. My dad used to carry me on his shoulders quite a bit when I was a child--until the time I acci
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Manufacturer: It Books
Release date: 4 May 2010
ISBN-10 : 0061992704 | ISBN-13: 9780061992704
Release date: 4 May 2010
ISBN-10 : 0061992704 | ISBN-13: 9780061992704
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shelby415 posted a image 7 years, 7 months ago