Red Dragon
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From page to silver screen (paperback version)
(46 items)list by sleepless101
Published 14 years, 8 months ago
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Description: Review
Lying on a cot in his cell with Alexandre Dumas's Le Grand Dictionnaire de Cuisine open on his chest, Hannibal "The Cannibal" Lecter makes his debut in this legendary horror novel, which is even better than its sequel, The Silence of the Lambs. As in Silence, the pulse-pounding suspense plot involves a hypersensitive FBI sleuth who consults psycho psychiatrist Lecter for clues to catching a killer on the loose. The sleuth, Will Graham, actually quit the FBI after nearly getting killed by Lecter while nabbing him, but fear isn't what bugs him about crime busting. It's just too creepy to get inside a k
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Manufacturer: Berkley
Release date: 6 January 2009
ISBN-10 : 0425228223 | ISBN-13: 9780425228227
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Release date: 6 January 2009
ISBN-10 : 0425228223 | ISBN-13: 9780425228227