The Outfit: A Parker Novel (Parker Novels)
Written by
The Outfit
16 years, 7 months ago at Aug 3 14:15
This is likely the best Parker novel of them all. In the aftermath of the first two novels in the series, Parker decides to take it to the "Outfit" once and for all, paying them back for everything they've done to him. And no one can dish out revenge like Parker can. Like Samuel Jackson in "Pulp Fiction," Parker is a Bad-Ass Motherfucker. Unlike Samuel Jackson in "Deep Blue," Parker does not get e... read more
Manufacturer: University Of Chicago Press
Release date: 1 September 2008
ISBN-10 : 0226771016 | ISBN-13: 9780226771014
Release date: 1 September 2008
ISBN-10 : 0226771016 | ISBN-13: 9780226771014
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