Mythos: A Retelling of the Myths of Ancient Greece
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The Greek Gods and Goddesses: capricious, foolish, barbaric and with a massive appetite for life. Stephen Fry breathes new life into these well-known stories and characters, glazed with his wicked humour and unequalled gift to tell a story. I was lucky enough to hear Fry read from this book at Hay Festival and, I'd urge you to listen to the audio book as well as read it, because I now want Stephen Fry to read every book to me forever and ever. This is an absolute treasure of a book. (c) Jay, Birmingham
Manufacturer: Penguin
Release date: 8 August 2018
ISBN-10 : 0718188721 | ISBN-13: 9780718188726
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Release date: 8 August 2018
ISBN-10 : 0718188721 | ISBN-13: 9780718188726

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