Mysteries of Egypt: Or the Secret Rites and Traditions of the Nile
17 years, 10 months ago at May 12 14:38
1 vote
This book is as about as esoteric as can get on Ancient Egypt, as can be seen by one of the chapter headings 'The Philosophy of the Mysteries'. The various Ancient Egyptian texts are all used to varying degrees to support the author's interpretations. Magic, the ka and ba, and the extent of Ancient Egypt's influence on the eastern Mediterranean lands are among the subjects discussed. This book, wi... read more
Manufacturer: Kessinger Publishing Co
Release date: 20 January 1993
ISBN-10 : 156459419X | ISBN-13: 9781564594198
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Release date: 20 January 1993
ISBN-10 : 156459419X | ISBN-13: 9781564594198