Les Grands romans d'Alexandre Dumas, Tome 1 : Mémoires d'un médecin : Joseph Balsamo
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2 years, 8 months ago at Jun 2 19:34
"Joseph Balsamo" is the first part of the long novel by Alexandre Dumas father entitled "Memoirs of a doctor" (Mémoires d'un médecin). This book then includes "The Queen's necklace" (Le collier de la reine), "Ange Pitou", "The Countess of Charny" (La comtesse de Charny).Some believe that "The Knight of the Red House" (Le chevalier de Maison Rouge) is the continuation and end of the novel... read more
Manufacturer: Robert Laffont
Release date: 26 November 1990
ISBN-10 : 2221064496 | ISBN-13: 9782221064498
Release date: 26 November 1990
ISBN-10 : 2221064496 | ISBN-13: 9782221064498
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apo55a posted a review 2 years, 8 months ago
“"Joseph Balsamo" is the first part of the long novel by Alexandre Dumas father entitled "Memoirs of a doctor" (Mémoires d'un médecin). This book then includes "The Queen's necklace" (Le collier de la reine), "Ange Pitou", "The Countess of Charny" (La comtesse de Charny).
Some believe that "The Knight of the Red House" (Le chevalier de Maison Rouge) is the continuation and end of the novel. The main characters of "Memoirs of a doctor" disappear except Queen Marie-Antoinette. I personally tend to consider "La Comtesse de Charny" to be the end of the novel.” read more
apo55a rated this 10/10 4 years, 9 months ago