The James Joyce Murder (A Kate Fansler Mystery)
[Book] The James Joyce Murder
17 years, 2 months ago at Dec 30 2:11
/Spoilers/ Picked this book up from one of those 25-cent bins in front the used-book store. The title grabbed my attention for it appealed to my English Major geekiness. The fact that it only cost me 25 cents didn't hurt either. As it turned out though, it wasn't even worth that much, and the only reason I finished the book was because, well, I needed something to read in the bathroom. Manufacturer: Ballantine Books
Release date: 12 February 1987
ISBN-10 : 0345346866 | ISBN-13: 9780345346865
Release date: 12 February 1987
ISBN-10 : 0345346866 | ISBN-13: 9780345346865
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